Tuesday, 12 November 2013

there's a life . facts in this place

That afternoon , when the sun is in the right of the crown, a hunger came to me . instantly invite a friend to come to pecel snacking . Without thinking , we immediately wrote off to the scene precisely place Pecel consumption . While waiting for food , fried food is still hot inviting desire to eat it . waiting is bored ? Not as long as we can enjoy the breeze that blows . Solid passing on the roadside adds to the funny people who often act in reckless haste , often accidents often happen here . Not far from sight , as seen parking attendants who appeared confuse with a straight face . There seems to be controlling for motor vehicles by the Department which is identical with His light blue uniform . Hmmmm ,  splendidly disciplined thought. But why policing is also accompanied by people dressed in black red uniform when viewed by naked eye and boned looking grim , who the hell ? Although not heard what was said , seen the look on the face of the fear of the usual parking attendants keep in several places in the area . ID card as well as some of them also look wallet . Collection data for a parking area  ? But that is issued by the clerk only a piece of paper , not a letter or a receipt ? So why is the way to use the service " workers with different uniforms " ?This phenomenon may often happen , just often escape our gaze , or even our own who do not want to know about it . Not only about the actual parking lot of funny things always end . It's true that one way to make the perception which in this case is the government regulation , should the violence in Indonesia is shown by means of the services of thugs . But is not this way is the way that most end . Maybe they thought that ordinary people are individual dissidents , unruly. Hahahahaha , they are difficult to manage it , because it does not know the rules , whereas when they want to learn , to ask the correct procedure , they are instead treated ridiculous , underestimated . Is that socialization ? Is that kind of how to give referrals ?Traced further , such behavior is actually a derivative , which is considered the culture and habits of their superiors , their leader . In response to the Pancasila as the basic and education , such as the realization that what the leaders in this country today ? Sharp criticism alone is not able to fix it right . Who is wrong ? No one can be blamed , because the bitterness of coffee always tasted sweet sugar Paving . And away from them , the people with kindness live in the gray twilight that closed behind the mask of humor .

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