Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Cara mudah meningkatkan backlink dan traffic blog

Cara mudah meningkatkan backlink dan traffic blog

1. bing
2. msn
3. ask
4. alexa
5. Taziex Mobile Blog
6. facebook
7. Twitter
8. bisnis online myblogs
9. uptodat3
10. hanyasebuahgoresanpena.blogspot

Banyak yang bilang, cara di atas adalah cara cepat untuk mendapatkan pagerank, namun menurut saya cara itu lebih pantas di bilang cara cepat mendapatkan backlink, jika anda berhasil mengajak 10 orang untuk melakukan optimasi ini, maka dengan sangat cepat backlink web dan blog anda meningkat, setelah backink meningkat, barulah berdampak pada pagerank.
Untuk mendapatkan backlink tersebut, anda cukup copy semua artikel ini sampai selesai dan pastekan di postingan anda, jika ada yang mengikuti atau memposting ulang artikel ini dari postingan web dan blog anda, maka web dan blog anda akan mendapatkan backlink.

Cara Mudah mendapatkan backlink dengan cepat
Berikut ini cara lebih lengkap untuk mendapatkan backlink tersebut.

1. Copy artikel semua artikel postingan ini.

2. Hapus daftar link nomor 1 diatas (bing)

3. Maka link tersebut tinggal sembilan (9)

4. Tambahkan link web atau blog anda di nomor (10)

5. Dan ajak teman untuk melakukan optimasi ini dengan peraturan yang sama.

Ok skian dari saya tentang
Cara mudah meningkatkan backlink dan traffic blog
smoga bermanfaat.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Beginikah Bangsa Kita Saat Ini?

hanya melihat judulnya saja, hati sudah miris sekali. apakah sehancur ini kah generasi penerus bangsa?
tak dapat dipungkiri arus budaya barat sangat berkembang pesat di indonesia sendiri. mulai dari fashion, teknologi, gaya hidup dan lain-lain. namun apakah se”polos” itukah kita hingga HARUSmenerima perkembangan tanpa adanya seleksi. jawabannya TIDAK, mengapa? kita sebagai bangsa indonesia sendiri memiliki memliki budaya timur, yang sejatinya lebih “sopan, berbudi, berakhlak”ketimbang budaya barat.
pertanyaan yang muncul kemudian adalah mengapa hal itu tak dapat dijalankan akhir-akhir ini?
kurangnya tingkat moral bagi masyarakat zaman sekarang ini, mengapa? jelas sekali kita tak dapat hidup tanpa adanya moral di sekeliling kita, namun pemahaman moral dewasa ini tak lagi antara pikiran dan perilaku. kurangnya tingkat moral ini berkaitan pula dengan pola asuh yang diberikan orang tua.  menurut freud kepribadian akan terbentuk saat 5tahun pertama, sedangkan menurut teori psikologi belajar sosial, kepribadian akan terbentuk dari proses modelling, identifikasi serta faktor lingkunganyang mengarahkannya.
dari sini dapat dilihat bagaimana peran keluarga dalam memberikan pengenalan pola asuh bagi anak-anaknya, dapat dicontohkan dengan perilaku dari orang tua mulai dari hal yang sepele hingga hal yang sifatnya tabu, semua itu akan lebih baik bila dikaitkan dengan iman kepada Tuhan, jadi dari kecil seorang anak perlu diajari untuk TAKUT TERHADAP TUHAN, sehingga tak ada perilku yang bertentangan dengan perintah-Nya.
di samping moral, faktor ekonomi jelas mempengaruhi terjadinya kasus diatas, karena dewasa ini uang adalah dewa bagi semuanya, tanpa uang seseorang rela merampok, tanpa uang seorang anak manusia rela menjual “dirinya” demi mengejar kenikmatan duniawi serta hidup berfoya-foya. gencarnya budaya barat hampir tak dapat dibendung lagi.
penulis teringat pada sebuah pertanyaan yang mungkin sering direnungkan oleh semua orang : ”mengapa manusia lebih mudah melakukan kejelekan(dosa) daripada kebaikan(pahala)?”
menurut pendapat saya jawabannya ada 2
1. karena manusia lenih senang mengejar kesenangan dunia daripada kesenangan di akhirat. kejelekan(dosa) ini lebih dekat dengan kesenangan dunia yang sementara dan membuat manusia berusaha mencapai kesenganan dunia walaupun dengan cara yang tidak halal.
2. pertanyaan mengapa kejelekan selalu mudah dilakukan daripada kebaikan? sebenarnya tak selalu benar, bahkan sejatinya lebih mudah melakukan kebaikan daripada kejelekan.
misalnya kita akan mencuri sebuah spidol saja, kita harus pandai agar tidak ketahuan orang lain. ketika kita akan melakukan kejahatan (dosa) kita jelas harus menjamin aman dan membuat “skenario” agar seolah tak terjadi apapun serta melakukannya secara diam-diam.
bandingkan bila kita melakukan kebaikan, saat melakukannya kita tak perlu sembunyi (diam-diam), hal paling sederhana saja, senyum secara ikhlas itu sudah menjadi sebuah kebaikan. kebaikan juga dapat dilakukan dimanapun tak perlu sungkan, hanya ikhlas kunci utamanya.
mari saudara-saudra sekalian kita rubah pola pikir kita serta remaja-remaja, anak-anak yang lain dengan lebih dekat Ilahi, karena Allah selalu memberikan kemudahan dan kelancaran bagi hamba-Nya yang memohon pada-Nya

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

there's a life . facts in this place

That afternoon , when the sun is in the right of the crown, a hunger came to me . instantly invite a friend to come to pecel snacking . Without thinking , we immediately wrote off to the scene precisely place Pecel consumption . While waiting for food , fried food is still hot inviting desire to eat it . waiting is bored ? Not as long as we can enjoy the breeze that blows . Solid passing on the roadside adds to the funny people who often act in reckless haste , often accidents often happen here . Not far from sight , as seen parking attendants who appeared confuse with a straight face . There seems to be controlling for motor vehicles by the Department which is identical with His light blue uniform . Hmmmm ,  splendidly disciplined thought. But why policing is also accompanied by people dressed in black red uniform when viewed by naked eye and boned looking grim , who the hell ? Although not heard what was said , seen the look on the face of the fear of the usual parking attendants keep in several places in the area . ID card as well as some of them also look wallet . Collection data for a parking area  ? But that is issued by the clerk only a piece of paper , not a letter or a receipt ? So why is the way to use the service " workers with different uniforms " ?This phenomenon may often happen , just often escape our gaze , or even our own who do not want to know about it . Not only about the actual parking lot of funny things always end . It's true that one way to make the perception which in this case is the government regulation , should the violence in Indonesia is shown by means of the services of thugs . But is not this way is the way that most end . Maybe they thought that ordinary people are individual dissidents , unruly. Hahahahaha , they are difficult to manage it , because it does not know the rules , whereas when they want to learn , to ask the correct procedure , they are instead treated ridiculous , underestimated . Is that socialization ? Is that kind of how to give referrals ?Traced further , such behavior is actually a derivative , which is considered the culture and habits of their superiors , their leader . In response to the Pancasila as the basic and education , such as the realization that what the leaders in this country today ? Sharp criticism alone is not able to fix it right . Who is wrong ? No one can be blamed , because the bitterness of coffee always tasted sweet sugar Paving . And away from them , the people with kindness live in the gray twilight that closed behind the mask of humor .

Friday, 8 November 2013

the dreaming of budi

I stop when he saw a little boy who stopped and walked over to a building where other kids his age were learning while joking . yes it is building an elementary school gendung . I watched the kids while I was sitting in a park near the school , while occasionally continue reading my book .I saw from my seat , the child was seen enthusiastically listened to the lessons happened to take place outside the classroom . pretty soon I will move closer to the girl , she bought a preamble that sells snacks ." Hey , how much is it? ," I interrupted her reverie ." A thousand dollars , want to buy ? " He asked again" I'll take 5 . " I said
"Are you not in school ? why even selling ? " I asked again , trying to uncover the causes ."Wow , I dropped out of school , do not have money for school fees . I am also selling while helping parents mas . " He told me ." Means you didn't school  again ? I had seen the boy then listen to the lessons of the school ? " I asked probing" yes , actually I still want to school , I wanted to be a teacher who can provide knowledge to the crowd and later I want to create a free school so that children do not end up like me . "He then gave my order earlier .I can not believe it , still in the 10 years old, he thinks like that . very large and lofty dreams , but what power at the economic side of him and his family have not been able to fulfill it. I opened the bag fatherly took the wallet , reminded me of a book I had brought that contains about nothing is impossible ! ! achieve your big dreams ! !" This money , if you might be able to take the rest of use to borrow or buy a book for you to read at home , another one is there a book may be useful for you . " I said" Thank you  . " He said in tears of emotion ." What is your name ? " I asked , " Budi . " he repliedI walked away with a sense of emotion , I felt pity . I stepped around me did not look like a child's mind is rarely seen dropping out of school . perhaps even among the children was deliberately used as a moneymaker . so I thought at the time. can not imagine what would be the nation 's bleak future when a child like mind did not get enough education .if so expensive cost of education in this country ? whether such person should not favor can not be a successful person ? I was only able to take a breath

I took the initiative with my friends to give the knowledge i have to teach Budi and his friends
 3 weeks later I started to open up a place suitable for that activity , unpredictable turns a lot of children who drop out of school are enthusiastic , but not once did I find Blake. all this time I'm trying to find a very large favor that his dream can not I find. I just hope Budi  able to achieve that noble dream .

Monday, 14 October 2013

“Pahlawan” yang Dilupakan

tanggal 10 november yang lalu baru saja memperingati hari pahlawan.  tanpa para pahlawan yang pada saat itu memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan gigih, pantang menyerah dan rela mengorbankan jiwa raga demi memperoleh kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia. mengutip kata Bung Karno ” bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang mampu menghargai jasa para pahlawannya”. sejatinya Indonesia memang telah menghargai jasa para pahlawan, namun hanya sebatas menghargai, hal yang membuat miris adalah ketika para veteran perang (pelaku peristiwa kemerdekaan) yang masih hidup tidak mendapatkan hal yang “layak” di kehidupan yang sekarang. memang sejatinya mereka tidak mengharapkan imbalan, namun apa salahnya mereka memiliki kehidupan yang “layak”. bayangkan saja tak jarang para pejuang yang masih hidup tidak memiliki tempat tinggal yang layak, bahkan tak jarang banyak yang tak memiliki tempat tinggal. seolah nasib para pahlawan ini “tidak diperdulikan” oleh pemerintah. Ketua Umum Korps Cacat Veteran Republik Indonesia (KCVRI) Soepranoto bahkan menyayangkan sikap pemerintah yang seperti ini. beliau mungkin bisa dibilang beruntung dibandingkan yang lain karena bisa tinggal di rumah dinas, sedangkan yang veteran yang lain?
menurut Soeprapto, veteran yang cacat permanen atau kaki terpotong HANYA mendapatkan  Rp 60.000,00 perbulan. apakah tunjangan sebesar itu bisa dikatakan layak?
kita patut mengelus dada bila mengetahui tunjangan yang diperoleh veteran dari negara lain, bagaimana tidak veteran dari negara lain mendapat tunjangan sebesar 10juta per bulan, bandingkan dengan tunjangan yang diterima veteran Indonesia yang sebesar 1,5 juta per bulan.
sungguh memprihatinkan bangsa ini, para pemimpin negeri ini seolah tidak  memaknai perjuangan para pahlawan. setidaknya bila mereka mampu mengerti dan sadar perjuangan serta pengorbanan jiwa, raga, serta harta para pejuang terdahulu, mungkin mereka tidak akan melakukan tindakan korupsi.
semoga kedepan bangsa indonesia mampu lebih memikirkan nasib para pahlawan dan pejuang yang masih hidup serta mampu mengatasi berbagai polemik yang terjadi di Indonesia

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Sangkan Paraning Dumadi Manunggaling Kawula Gusti

“kamisayan ingkang makripati, den kasta pamentenging cipta, rupa ingkang sabenere, sinerger bawaneku, urip datan ana anguripi, datan ana rumangsa, ing kahananipun, uwis ana ing salira, tuhu tunggal sasana lawan sireki, tan kena pinisaha. dipun weruh sangkanira uni, tunggal sawang kartining bawana, pandulu lan pamyarsane, wis ana siresku, panduluning sukma sejati, pan datan mawa netra, pamyarsanipun iya datan lawan karna, netranira karnanira kang kinardi, iya aneng sira”
pupuh dhandang gula
ketika manusia telah mencapai tingkat makrifat, disitu dia akan melihat kebenaran sejati. dimana manusia akan merasakan sangat dekat dengan Sang Maha Pencipta ( Allah )
sebuah petikan yang menyadarkan kita akan Kebesaran Allah, dimana Dia yang menciptakan kehidupan,memberi udara,air,cahaya,menghidupkan yang mati, dsb.
namun terkadang kita sebagai manusia lupa akan itu semua dan kita tak jarang “Sering melupakanNya” dengan kehidupan dunia kita.
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
semoga dapat menjadi pembelajaran ke depan untuk lebih mampu menjadi “umat islam sejati” Amiiinn

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Wonderkids FM 2013

Football Manager 2013 Wonderkids

Football Manager Wonderkids have the ability to aid your Football Manager 2013 career, as they might become the next Lionel Messi or a new world class player. They have a rare mix of huge current ability and potential ability. Football Manager wonderkids is often under the age of 21 years old and have the potential to develop and increase their player attributes in a great way. Purchasing a FM wonderkid may help your managerial career and aid your finance in a wider aspect.

Since Football Manager 2013 where released we have scouted for the best wonderkids in Football Manager and put them into a downloadable shortlist which you can download. We have supplied both lists with all the required screenshots for you to make a good judgement to transfer target the players.

Football Manager 2013 Wonderkids (425+ Amazing Under-20 Talents)

Football Manager 2013 Wonderkids
Our Football Manager 2013 Wonderkids list is one of the most comprehensive downloadable wonderkids shortlists on the market. Here you can find some already world class players such as Neymar and Bernard, but also less prominent talents such as José Rodriguez and Brahim Darri, which also have potential to become key players for your club!

This shortlist is created by scouting the players a number of times and plainly have trusted my scout reports, player attributes and player information available. The list contains of over 425 under-20 talents who have been divided into their best playing position and comes with screenshot of scout reports and player profile.

The FM13 wonderkids list will be continually updated, and the shortlist can be downloaded and imported into your game, so you can track and find the best players of Football Manager 2013! Check out our list of Football Manager 2013 wonderkids and download the shortlist today!

Football Manager 2013 Best Young Talents (570+ Under-18 Talents)

Football Manager 2013 Most Promising Young Talents
Not all clubs and nations in Football Manager 2013 have not the finances to afford the signing of Football Manager 2013 wondekids. For all those who favour developing your own youth talents we have put together a shortlist of the most promising young talents in Football Manager 2013.

The Football Manager 2013 Best Young talent shortlist consists of over 570 young talents under the age of 18. Some of these players might become a wonderkid in the future and has potential to become one of the best players of the future. Others have less potential, but can become key players for their nation or a top player in their leagues. The list contains of amazing talents such as Luka Djordjevic, Neal Maupay and Leon Goretzka.

The list of FM13 Best young talents will be continually updated until Football Manager 2014. The shortlist can be downloaded and imported into your game, so you can track and find the best players of Football Manager 2013! Check out our list of Football Manager 2013 Best U18 Talents and download the shortlist today!

Football Manager 2013 Most Promising Talents in South America

FM 2013 Best Young Talents in South America
South America, Brazil and Argentina more specifically, is one of the countries who produces the most talents to Europe. It is one of my favorite scouting regions as you can find cheap promising talents for your lower league management. The FM13 shortlist of most promising South American talents can aid your FM 2013 experience.

The FM13 shortlist of most promising South American talents consists of young talents from Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia and Chile, amongst other. We have even added players from Mexico such as the promising winger Julio Gomez. Other promising South American talents featuring on the list is Joelinton, Lucas Romero, Rodrigo Aguirre and Cristian Bonilla. Some of the players on this list can be found on the Football Manager 2013 Wonderkids shortlist and Best Young U18 Talent shortlist.